Good Morning and Happy Saturday, my friends! It’s our fourth Saturday of April 2022 and it is going to be a blessed day. I pray your skies are bright and your heart is happy today. I’m so glad that you found your way here and you can get a hug and pray a prayer with […]
I’m Not Perfect, But I’m Thankful
I have really high days. These days are like I am flying. Everything goes great. Everything is well with all my family, friends and everything is well with my work. And then there are days that I “fall”. These are days when I have something bothering me or something has happened that takes away my […]
Friday Hugs-April 22, 2022
We’re here again, my friends! Our favorite day! Good Morning and Happy Friday! It’s our fourth Friday of April 2022 and it is going to be a wonderful, blessed day. Let’s decide right now that it is going to be great. Remember, you get to decide whether your day is going to be good or […]
Do The Right Thing, It’s Called Integrity
I’ve heard it said that integrity shines brightest upon those acts that are not witnessed by others. You know these kind of people, right? In other words, it’s standing firm on honor, moral principles and honesty if there are a lot of people watching you or if there’s no one watching you. Do the right […]
Thankful Thursday Hugs-April 21, 2022
Hello and Good Morning, My Friends! Happy Thankful Thursday! It’s our third Thursday of April 2022 and I woke up with a thankful heart. I pray you feel thankful that you woke up. I’m sending Thankful Thursday hugs your way. Even if you are sleepy and you just don’t want to get out of bed, […]
Strong Women Are Made Strong By Their Storms
I was raised by the two strongest women on the planet, my mother and grandmother. To say we didn’t have a lot growing up is an understatement. My daddy and mother divorced when I was 12, and there were 6 women in the house, my grandmother, mother and us 4 girls, Faith, Hope, Charity (me) […]
Wednesday Hugs-April 20, 2022
We’ve reached the middle of the week, my friends! Good Morning and Happy Wednesday! It’s our third Wednesday of April 2022 and I, for one, am so thankful that I’m here to see another beautiful sunrise. A mid-week hug is always welcome. It helps you to let go of any stress that you’ve had in […]
To My Mother In Heaven, I Miss You Dearly
A friend of mine lost her mother this week. The statement, “I’m so sorry for the loss of your mother” seems so inadequate to say to someone when they’ve experienced this loss. But in reality, there isn’t anything that does seem adequate. There’s nothing that is significant enough, nothing at a high enough level of […]
Love, Honesty, Truth, Respect-Four Very Important Words
There are some “things” in life that you must have in order to live a happy, healthy life. You may think, “That’s a given…we already know that.” If you’re saying that, I’d ask you to look back at your life. Look at the happy times and look at the bad. More likely than not, you […]
Tuesday Hugs-April 19, 2022
Happy Tuesday! Good Morning and God Bless You, My Friends! I pray you woke up ready to begin your day and thankful for everyone and everything you have in your life. Every morning we wake up, the first three things we should say is, “Thank You, thank You, and thank You, Lord, for waking me […]