Good Morning and Happy Wednesday! Yes, my friends, we’ve reached the middle of the week. And it’s the week before the week of Christmas. I pray you had a good night’s rest and that you woke up smiling and ready to face your day. I am sending Wednesday hugs your way. Make sure you catch […]
Tuesday Hugs-December 15, 2020
Good Morning and Happy Tuesday, my friends! It’s our third Tuesday of December 2020 and God is going to bless our day with His mercy, grace and favor. I am thankful that God woke us up today. God still has a purpose for us. I’m sending Tuesday hugs your way. I hope you are able […]
Monday Hugs-December 14, 2020
Happy Monday, My Friends! We are starting the third week of December and it’s the week before the week of Christmas! Yes, we are moving fast through this month and toward toward Christmas and the end of the year. I’m sending Monday hugs your way. We all need a hug to start our week off […]
Remembering Our Loved Ones At Christmas Time
Christmas can be the best time of the year, but it can also be sad. Some of us struggle with memories of loved ones who have passed on. The sadness we feel in our hearts overrides the joy of Christmas. It isn’t that we aren’t happy for our families and friends because we are happy […]
Sunday Hugs-December 13, 2020
Good Morning and Happy second Sunday of December 2020! I pray you are having a beautiful weekend and I pray that God blesses you and your family on this beautiful Sunday. I’m sending Sunday Hugs your way. I am not trying to force a hug on you. I am simply saying that I love you, […]
Saturday Hugs-December 12, 2020
It’s the weekend! Good Morning and Happy Saturday, my friends! We have this weekend and one more before Christmas. Can you believe it? Let’s believe together that this weekend is going to be blessed by God. I’m sending Saturday hugs your way. This hug is to say “Always believe that God is with you. Keep […]
Friday Hugs-December 11, 2020
It’s our favorite day, my friends! Good Morning and Happy Friday! It’s our second Friday of December 2020 and it is going to be a wonderful, blessed day. God is good, all the time. Can you believe that it’s just fourteen days until Christmas? We are well into the month of December and we’re working […]
Thankful Thursday Hugs-December 10, 2020
Good Morning, My Friends! Happy Thankful Thursday! It’s our second Thankful Thursday of December 2020. I pray that you woke up with a thankful heart and it is a day blessed with God’s every perfect gift from above. These hugs are sincere and sent with love and care. With this hug, I am saying to […]
Wednesday Hugs-December 9, 2020
Good Morning and Happy Wednesday, my friends! It’s the middle of the week and our second Wednesday of our blessed month of December! I pray you had a good night’s rest and that you woke up ready for this beautiful day that God has given us. I am sending Wednesday hugs your way. With this hug, […]
Tuesday Hugs-December 8, 2020
Good Morning, my friends! Happy Second Tuesday of November 2020. God is going to do great things for you today. I pray you woke up with the Christmas spirit in your heart and soul. With this hug, I am saying, “Keep God’s peace with you all day long and let this hug remind you all […]