We are blessed to wake up to see this beautiful second Wednesday of March 2023. Good Morning and Happy Wednesday, my friends. This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. ~Psalm 118:24. I pray you can reach out and grab one of these hugs, my friends. These […]
Tuesday Hugs-March 7, 2023
Happy Tuesday, my friends! God is going to bless our day with His mercy, grace and favor. I am thankful that God woke me up today and I am thankful He woke you up too. I’m sending Tuesday hugs your way. I hope you are able to reach out and grab one as they go […]
Monday Hugs-March 6, 2023
Here’s to a blessed new week! Our Monday is already blessed, my friends. We woke up! Good Morning and Happy Monday! It’s our first Monday of March 2023 and it is going to be great. I’m sending Monday hugs your way. We all need a hug to start our week off with a smile. So, even […]
Sunday Hugs-March 5, 2023
It’s a beautiful Sunday my friends. Good Morning and Happy Sunday. It’s our first Sunday of March and I pray that you have started today with a smile on your face and peace in your heart. No matter where you are worshiping today, if you attend Church, or if you are at home, believe that […]
Saturday Hugs-March 4, 2023
Good Morning and Happy Saturday, my friends! It’s our first Saturday of March 2023. Believe that this weekend is going to be happy, peaceful and blessed. I’m sending Saturday hugs your way. This hug is to say that God loves you, cares for you, protects you, wants to see you blessed, and wants to see […]
Friday Hugs-March 3, 2023
It’s our favorite day, my friends! Good Morning and Happy Friday! Thank You, Lord, for bringing us through this week and waking us up to see this beautiful Friday. I’m sending Friday hugs your way. I hope you are able to reach out and grab one. Don’t let them pass you by because these hugs […]
Thankful Thursday Hugs-March 2, 2023
Good Morning, My Friends! Happy Thankful Thursday! It’s our first Thursday of March 2023 and I pray you woke up thankful for life, with hope in your heart and happiness in your soul. I’m sending Thankful Thursday hugs your way. So, let’s shake off our sleepiness, grab a cup of coffee and reach out to […]
Wednesday Hugs-March 1, 2023
Good Morning and Happy Wednesday, my friends! It’s the middle of the week and our first day of March 2023! I pray you had a good night’s rest. I am sending Wednesday hugs your way. I pray you are able to get one of these hugs. This hug is caring, and meant to let you […]
Tuesday Hugs-February 28, 2023
Good Morning, my friends! Happy Last Day of February 2023! I pray you woke up happy, smiling, and believing that you will have a blessed day. Keep this thought in your mind all day: ‘God is with me. He will never leave me.’ With this hug, I am saying, “God loves you and He is […]
Monday Hugs-February 27, 2023
Good Morning and Happy Monday, My Friends! Our Monday is already blessed because we woke up! It’s our last Monday of February and it is going to be great. No matter what happens this week, I pray you keep hope alive in your heart. Decide right now that your day and your week are going […]